
Employees of our member cooperatives meet virtually each month to collaborate.
We’re always glad to welcome new members to create vibrant committees made up of cross-industry co-op professionals. Consider joining a committee that peaks your interests and fits your strengths!
Communications Committee

Collaborates to promote CCC's value, visibility and story-telling through various media channels.

Monthly virtual meetings

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DEI Committee
DEI advocates share and discuss the application of the 8th Cooperative Principle for CCC and cooperative members.

Monthly virtual meetings
Program Committee

Offers ideas, creates and assists with CCC's event planning, marketing, fundraising, member education and events.

Monthly virtual meetings

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Strategic Partners Committee

Connects CCC with trade associations, university systems and national cooperatives to provide more membership opportunities.

Inquire for meeting information

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Finance Committee

Prepares CCC's budget, approves appropriate expenditures and receives/reviews the Council's annual audit.

Meetings held as needed

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Bylaws Committee

Reviews and updates the current Council’s bylaws for adoption.
Meetings held as needed

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Silent Auction Committee

Assists with securing and managing donation items on a virtual platform for CCC's Annual Silent Auction. Funds from this auction support the Jim Graham Scholarship. 

Meetings held as needed from Jan - March

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