2022 Cooperative Conference

Date: March 28-29, 2022
Location: Embassy Suites by Hilton, Wilmington, NC

We were thrilled to be back in-person for our annual conference! We hope you had as much fun as we did re-connecting with old co-op friends, making new co-op connections and growing the co-op community!

Check out our great line-up and follow-up with materials from the event below.

Welcome: Staying Cooperative Strong

Joe Mecca, CCNC Board Chair

CCNC Co-op Principle

P6 Workshop: Cultivating Inspiration Among Cooperatives

Mike Mercer and Diana Houston of COOPER8 Consulting

Workshop slides

Jim Graham Scholarship Award

Our 2022 Jim Graham Scholarship award is to Melaney Caudill, sponsored by CCUL in 2019 to attend Cooperative Leadership Camp.

Melaney's thank you video

The Broadband Discussion: Digital Skills Panel

Panel and Q&A with industry experts. Facilitated by Nelle Hotchkiss of NCEMC and including Donna Bullard, Debbie Hamrick, Maggie Woods and Nate Denny

Session Recording

Q&A Recording

NCDIT Survey

Networking bar hosted by Focus Broadband
  • Grab a drink and network with cooperative industry experts and attendees.

Coastal Credit Union hosted dinner

Enjoy dinner fare with our attendees. 

Celebrating our Successes with CCNC Member Video

Guest Speaker, Susan Davis, helps us celebrate the wins of CCNC's members, staff and board.

Session slides

The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion of Cooperatives

Workshop and tools for your Board and staff to start, continue or develop your organization's DEI policy and implementation.

DEI Resource Page

Slides from Workshop

Slides from Inclusive Leadership

Outline for Allyship

Slides from Where to Start

CCNC Annual Meeting

Business meeting to hear from committee chairs and board chair about the business side of CCNC.

NC Electric Cooperatives hosted lunch

Enjoy coastal fare with our attendees.

Key Note Lunch: A Business Case for the 8th Cooperative Principle

Maurice Smith, LGFCU and Civic FCU shares about the business case of the 8th Cooperative Principle. 

Closing Words

Joe Mecca, CCNC Board Chair